Only an illusion

Eleven years ago I began blogging. I was afraid at first because I’d never really put myself and ideas out there. It’s risky to blog and yet over the years I’ve really come to enjoy it. I’ve had times where the content flowed and times when it has dried up. It’s fun to look back over the years and see what I was thinking then. I’m 64 now and I have more of an appreciation of my impermanence. Everything is impermanent. We either grow or go. That’s the way of all life and yet somethings seem permanent but it’s only an illusion.  What appears solid and permanent is just a collection of electrons, molecules and objects we cannot see. The computer I’m writing on, the internet, the server where the content resides are impermanent and just a mass of whirring electrons, protons and similar waves and particles. I recently read a book, “Making All Things New: Catholicity, Cosmology, Consciousness.” It has invited me to think anew about many things I have wondered about for much of my life. Yet despite this impermanent nature we are all interconnected and interdependent. There is nothing that occurs without affecting everything else in some way. There is no isolation for that too is an illusion.