GnuCash 3.3 on MacOS Mojave

A week ago as I pondered upgrading to MacOS Mojave I wondered would I be able to use GnuCash on which I’ve grown to depend. Some of the research I had done on support sites indicated that the older 2.xx version of GnuCash that I was using on MacOS High Sierra might not work. I took the necessary steps to back up my files and then set out for the upgrade.

Sure enough when I had completed the upgrade to Mojave, GnuCash would not launch. I had a backup plan to use GnuCash on a Linux laptop. However I did come across a support discussion that indicated that GnuCash 3.2 and 3.3 would work. I downloaded the image files from SourceForge and set to work. When I first launched the program my register fonts were very small. I remembered that in GnuCash 2.6 that I had to edit a configuration file in the home directory ~/’.gtkrc-2.0.gnucash‘. That configuration file let me specify a larger font and different typeface.

Now, however GnuCash 3.3 required a different configuration option which I am going to share. Once I created and edited this file my new installation worked fine and the register appeared more readable. To accomplish this you need to open a terminal on your Mac. In the terminal you need to change directories to the following: Library/Application\Support/Gnucash/config/gtk-3.0/. Once you’re in that directory you will need to create a file named, ‘gtk.css’. I created the file with the ‘touch’ command and then edited it with ‘nano’. The contents of that file gave me the results I was looking for. You can edit the font and point size to your own tastes.
font:12pt arial, sans-serif;

I hope this helps other GnuCash 3.3 users.