On the road to Assisi

The day began at 5:30 am as I rose to pack my bags and get ready for the bus. Then Eucharist in the chapel at Casa Tra Nois with Fr. Conrad celebrating. Then a quick colazione (breakfast) and boarding the bus. We left Rome and headed north stopping first at Poggio Bostone. Fr. Conrad shared the story of St. Francis and his journey to self forgiveness which is why he was attracted to Poggio Bustone and the Rieti Valley. Then he explained the significance of the Franciscan Tau Cross and invited each of us to come forward to receive our own crosses and the acceptance of ourselves symbolized by the cross. It was a poignant ceremony. Fr. Conrad and Rev. Bill Reese were available to hear those who needed to speak their truth and claim that forgiveness. There was a lot of healing on thst mountain this morning.

After a 90 minute visit we were on our way to Greccio and the site of the first celebration of the Nativity of the Lord. I love the chapel at Greccio. A sumptuous lunch followed in the nearby village. We ate a rich meal and the conversation flowed. Now we’re on the road to the Spoleto Valley and Assisi.