Prayers for Healing and Wholeness

On Monday they’re going to make me a holey man. Being holey isn’t the same as holiness and yet these doctors who’ll be making me holey will be using incisions and robotically assisted instruments to return me to health and wholeness. The past twelve months have been a rollercoaster of emotions for us for our family. A friend of mine says that “growing old ain’t for wimps.” He’s right. At the same time there is something to be learned from it all and much to be grateful for.

A year ago our daughter in law and son lost her father to a rapidly progressing cancer. Then they and we lost a grandson to still birth. In the interim I survived a pulmonary embolism and learning to live with atrial fibrillation. In late April following a biopsy we learned that I have prostate cancer. Fortunately it’s at an early stage and there are lots of options. Nonetheless, I’ve been very worried and anxious.

All these experiences have drawn us closer as a family and there have been many touching moments. I’ve been spending more quiet time at those quiet places I love. A month ago I was in Assisi surrounded by peace and beauty. I’ve made several trips to Abbey of the Genesee and elsewhere. Tonight I’m sitting next to a beautiful pond at Mt. Irenaeus.

I’m grateful and peaceful and hopeful for healing and wholeness. Prayers for the doctors and nurses who are taking care of me.