You have quoted Pope Francis

Tomorrow Pope Francis is calling on people everywhere to join him in prayer at 6:00 PM which is 12:00 noon in the Eastern United States. Like his prayer on Wednesday morning of this week the focus is on the Coronavirus pandemic. Wednesday morning I happened to wake up just three minutes before 6:00 AM and was able to join in. One of my friends pointed out that being on time wasn’t as important as bathing the world in prayer.

Today I read that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in her meeting with the Senate Majority Leader and the Treasury Secretary had offered a prayer based on one shared by Pope Francis. The Treasury Secretary is reported to have stated, “you have quoted Pope Francis, I will quote the Markets.” The tone struck me as cold and out of touch with the reality. There are 8 billion people on the earth and approximately three-hundred-thirty million here in the United States. Even if the stock market performs exceptionally well hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions will die of this pandemic.

Giving every American $1200 doesn’t amount to fart in a whirlwind. That’s one or two month’s mortgage or rent. Last week 3 million Americans filed for unemployment. Our hospitals need equipment. Our healthcare system is melting down and the secretary is praying for the markets. There is money in the agreement for hospital funding but with many Americans who have no health care coverage that’s moot. Worshiping the golden calf of the stock market is short sighted.

3 Replies to “You have quoted Pope Francis”

  1. Hmmm. As far as I can tell, this is just Pelosi’s report of what he allegedly said. She has been less than truthful in the past, so do you have an objective source that recorded this alleged response?

  2. Hmmm. This is based on Speaker Pelosi’s report. She has been less than truthful in the past, so I wonder if there is an objective source for this alleged comment that recorded him actually saying this, and in what context?

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