Vote to confirm Xavier

Yesterday I received an email from a sibling urging me to pray that Joe Biden’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services be defeated because he’s pro-choice. My correspondent wrote of course that he’s pro-abortion which is not true. I’m tired of these either/or evangelicals who are merely pro-birth and not truly pro-life. Life is both/and and much more complex than the binary choices these folks espouse. I pray everyday for an end to bigotry and hatred based on skin color, sexual orientation, religion or no religion at all. I hope Xavier Becerra is confirmed and that he leads us to better health and human services.

One Reply to “Vote to confirm Xavier”

  1. This is very interesting I have a different take on the whole pro-life pro-choice I believe the hardest thing a woman can do is to make that choice and feels no joy doing it. That’s where I also believe that there is a spiritual remedy for even that situation, Many a woman friend I have known through many years have come to a different place in life having had to make either choice, And it generally has to do with a fellow man that has disappointed them greatly. I’ve never met a woman who has chosen but for my own daughter to have a child at 15 years old and I couldn’t be prouder most have chosen because some man told them to.

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