Rhymes for a Cause: The Fight Against Gun Violence Through Poetry

In halls where whispers echo loud,
A deafening silence fills the crowd.
Lawmakers sit, their voices stilled,
While blood of innocents is spilled.

A mother’s tears, a father’s screams,
Yet nothing ripples peaceful dreams.
The vote postponed, the topic changed,
Their hands remaining tightly chained.

The thunderous bangs in schools resound,
Lives lost, while answers stay unfound.
With every death, the great divide,
But still no change, no shifting tide.

In fear and anguish, many shout,
Demanding change, dispel the doubt.
But spoken words from hearts that bleed,
Are silenced by a nation’s greed.

Oh, Justice weep and shed your tears,
For all the lives lost through the years.
A chance for change held firmly back,
By those who choose to turn their backs.

This poem was created with Hyperwrite.ai