
We arrived in Tempe, Arizona last night. It was just prior to midnight when our plane landed and my sister and her husband graciously met us at SkyHarbor Airport. This morning we awoke to cloudless skies and limitless sunshine. Living in Western New York where such commodities don’t easily abound tends to make me grateful to see Brother Sun in such abundance. My wife and I took a walk in the neighborhood here. We even picked a grapefruit and a couple of oranges. The aroma of the citrus is wonderful. Seeing all the palm trees and the desert made me think of Jesus. I’ve never been to Palestine or Israel. I hope to get there someday. I was listening to a story my Mother was relating this morning about how my brother-in-law’s daughter had adopted a little girl that had been abused and how happy that young lady was now to be living in a home with loving parents. My thoughts turned to Iraq and the thousands of children who have been affected by this war. I wonder if it might be possible to adopt children from Iraq and to raise them in the United States. It might be a way for us to be instruments of peace. I thought too that the children should be raised as Muslims if that is what they were in Iraq. I intend to think on this some more and to consult with Franciscans and others who might be interested in such a project. My heart bleeds for the suffering of the innocents of this war who are caught in the crossfire. Thich Nhat Hanh wrote a book called “Being Peace.” This might be a way to “be peace” to a fractured world. Peace.

Technorati Tags:
arizona, iraq orphans, peace

One Reply to “Thoughts”

  1. We “adopted” a little girl from Honduras. Really should call it sponsor a little girl, thru a church in Bemus Point. Send a given amount of money monthly. Someone goes down there a couple times a year and takes stuff down also. So it gives us the chance to pick up stuff to send down with them. Have received letters and photos from them. Gives one a good feeling that they can help a under privileged child so far away. And they enjoy the simplest things in life.

    Enjoy Arizona – Did not even know you were going. You said nothing!

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