The Tech Trap: How Edtech is Failing Our Schools

I’m a technology user and fan. I was a school district technology director for twenty-six years, but at the same time, I witnessed a growing trend to look to classroom technology as a substitute for good teaching and learning. My ed tech journey began in 1981 when the first Apple II’s arrived in our school district. I was fascinated and spent many afternoons and evenings tinkering with them. In those early days our district struggled to provide one computer per classroom. We had a mix of Commodore 64, Apple II and Apple II clones.

Our district was a small K-12 rural district in Western New York State. We had a much larger athletic budget than a technology budget. Nonetheless using Title 1 funding our school district had a computer lab twenty-five Apple IIe computers where I taught keyboarding and Apple LOGO classes to students in grades 2-6. Many of my pupils are now in their upper 40’s. Our technology budget dramatically increased after No Child Left Behind and when I retired thirteen years ago the district had hundreds of desktops and laptops which were cast aside in favor of iPads and white boards connected to ceiling mounted projectors.

In the years prior to the technology glut I became interested in open source software which leveled the playing field for our students many of whom came from low income households. The interest in open source led to exploration and experimentation wtih Linux as a primary desktop operating system. This met with skepticism by some and outright hostility by others. Since retirement I’ve volunteered in public libraries where technology budgets are slim and demand is high. I have noted that there are a number of disturbing trends in primary and secondary schools.

There is a trend for schools to accept the latest educational trend even when it doesn’t address educational needs. This leads to wasted resources and distraction from core learning objectives. Schools are quick to adopt 1:1 models without adequate training and long range planning leading to misspent funds. Then too there are privacy concerns as student laptops and mobile devices equipped with cameras are misused. Add to that how are the staff and student creative works being stored and is there work being harvested by the ever growing machine learning market.

Technology is sometimes implemented to achieve short term learning goals like reading fluency and test scores without improving critical thinking skills. In addition not all students have access to high quality broadband at home thereby exacerbating the digital divide. The commercialization of education has led to profit over pedagogy, with schools becoming customers rather than partners in the learning process.

Many organizations face significant vendor lock-in due to a general lack of awareness about alternative solutions. For instance, instead of relying on Office 365, they could consider using Nextcloud, which offers a comparable suite of tools while also helping to avoid vendor lock-in.

There is often a lack of rigorous evaluation of ed tech products, leading to the continued use of ineffective tools and technologies.

Navigating the AI Revolution: Balancing Innovation, Privacy, and Open-Source Alternatives

Everywhere you look, whether in print or on the web, the rage is AI. I’m part of the group that sees potential in machine learning and how it might reshape our educational systems. All the major tech companies have embraced it, and at the same time, many folks are sure that it spells the end of authentic authorship. In addition to some of the slop created with artificial intelligence, there is a growing concern for our privacy. Some people allege that their original works are being used to train large language models without permission.

In the past couple of years, I have asked folks in higher education and K-12 if their institutions have policies stipulating how teachers and students can use this emerging technology that continues to proliferate. With few exceptions, such policies do not exist. There are the Luddites who refuse to acknowledge its presence, some who believe in ubiquity but have very few policies, and those who stipulate no policy.

Most major operating systems and many of their applications now incorporate AI features, making it challenging to avoid them. However, there is a solution: high-quality, freely accessible software. This solution consists of open-source software that does not include artificial intelligence algorithms. The best part is that you don’t have to give up your existing operating systems unless you choose to. If you decide to switch, I recommend considering one of the major Linux distributions, as they can help extend the life of your hardware and software.

LibreOffice is a comprehensive office suite that includes a word processor (Writer), a spreadsheet application (Calc), and presentation software (Impress). It allows you to save your work in open formats, ensuring you always have access to your documents. When using proprietary software, those programs save your work in formats that are inaccessible unless you continue to purchase a license for that product. LibreOffice uses open documents, which ensure that your job is always accessible to you. LibreOffice is also available on Linux, MacOS, and Windows and is open source.

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a fully featured alternative to proprietary photo editing software and includes embedded AI capabilities. Gimp is used for image manipulation, editing, free-form drawing, converting between various image file formats, and other specialized tasks. The software is extensible through plugins and supports scripting for enhanced functionality. It is open source with a GPL v. 3 license.

Inkscape is a free, open-source vector graphics editor available for Unix-compatible systems, including Linux, Windows, and macOS. It provides a robust set of tools and is widely used for creating artistic and technical illustrations, such as cartoons, clip art, logos, typography, diagrams, and flowcharts. Inkscape uses vector graphics to ensure sharp printouts and renderings at any resolution, unlike raster graphics, which are limited by pixel dimensions.

Blender is a robust, open-source software suite for 3D modeling and animation, extensively utilized across diverse industries such as animation, visual effects, art, and 3D printing. It provides a comprehensive array of modeling, texturing, sculpting, rigging, animation, rendering, compositing, and motion-tracking tools within a single, versatile application.

Audacity is a free and open-source digital audio editor for Windows, macOS, and Linux. In addition to recording audio from various sources, Audacity provides extensive post-processing features for all types of audio. These features include effects such as normalization, trimming, and fading in and out. Audacity can record multiple tracks at once. Audacity natively supports importing and exporting WAV, AIFF, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and other formats compatible with the libsndfile library. However, due to patent licensing restrictions, the FFmpeg library required for handling proprietary formats like M4A (AAC) and WMA is not included with Audacity and must be downloaded separately.

VLC is a free, open-source, and portable media player and streaming server created by the VideoLAN project. It supports desktop operating systems and mobile platforms, including Android, iOS, and iPadOS.

Empowering Writing with Markdown

I’ve long been a writer, but writing and publishing have been challenging. Pencil or pen and paper and then endless sheets of paper for rewrites. My writing took off when my parents sent me to college with a typewriter. Lots paper and ink were used, but the writing process became easier. Then came word processing. What a gift to be able to write, revise and rewrite without killing anymore trees or using more ink.

My journey with word processing began with FredWriter and AppleWorks. These tools allowed me to write with ease, highlight text, and cut or copy and paste. The ability to save changes to disk for later use was a game-changer. As time passed, I encountered MacWrite, MaxWrite, Microsoft Word, StarOffice Writer, Libreoffice Writer, and many more. Each new tool brought with it an evolution in the writing process, making it better yet more complex, a journey that never ceased to intrigue me.

Most of the writing I do is for the web and it’s not easy to convert from from Writer or Word to HTML. But it does not have to be that way because in 2004 John Gruber created Markdown. Finally a writing format easily accessible to all that can be created in the most inelegant text editor yet transformed into beautiful written content for the web. Markdown is easily mastered and could be taught to students as early as third grade.

In addition to providing an easily accessible word processor at minimal cost, students can also be introduced to the basics of programming. Markdown converts plain text into structured HTML, making it a simple tool for creating complex documents that can be easily shared with teachers and fellow students.

Markdown’s versatility is a game-changer, making it accessible to everyone, including students with varying technical skills. With a minimal learning curve, students can quickly start using Markdown to format text, create lists, insert links, and embed images. The fact that Markdown can be shared across various platforms, from mobile phones to PCs, regardless of the operating system, empowers students to use it for a wide range of tasks, from note-taking to essay writing and presentation creation. 

Learning Markdown also increases students digital literacy  by familiarizing them with basic concepts of markup languages and text formatting. It bridges the gap between plain text and more complex coding languages providing a foundation for further learning and web development.  Platforms like Github and Gitlab rely on Markdown for documentation. Markdown is used in scientific documentation and most of the output from ChatGPT, Microsoft CoPilot and other LLMs is provided in Markdown format. 

You don’t need a wordprocessor to create Markdown. You can use Wordpad on Windows, TextEdit on MacOS, gedit or vim on Linux. You will need to use the following tags and save your work with the .md file extension.


# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6


*Italic* or _Italic_
**Bold** or __Bold__
***Bold and Italic*** or ___Bold and Italic___


Unordered lists:

- Item 1
- Item 2
  - Subitem 1
  - Subitem 2

Ordered lists:

1. First item
2. Second item
   1. Subitem 1
   2. Subitem 2


[Link Text](


![Alt Text](

Block quotes:

> This is a blockquote.


Inline code`code block`
Code block: 3 back ticks on the line before the code and three back ticks on the line after the code. 

Horizontal rule:


For more information on formatting be sure to consult this excellent guide on Github. Happy writing!

Educators to Follow on Mastodon for Innovative Teaching Insights

I have been using Mastodon for almost six years. I continue to be amazed at the quality of discourse and the diverse community of educators and folks interested in education in the Fediverse. If you are a person who is accustomed to algorithm driven centralized social networks then Mastodon is going to seem a bit unusual at first. If you are WordPress user you can connect your blog to Mastodon with the ActivityPub plugin. You don’t need a blog to connect to Mastodon. You just need to create an account on anyone of dozens of Mastodon instances that exist around the world. One you are connected to an instance you can find other users and connect to them whether they are on your particular server instance or not.

Mastodon communications are driven by hashtags which many of you are already familiar with. Some of my favorites are #edtech

A toot on Mastodon is typically five hundred characters long. Like other microblogging platforms you may have used before brevity is prized but there’s more than enough space to get your information across and then you use hashtags to let your audience know what your toot is about.

Here’s a list of twenty-one educators currently using Mastodon.

Eric Sheninger –
Sandy Kendell –
Wesley Fryer –
Martin Dougiamas –
Alice Barr –
Miguel Guhlin –
EdTech Group –
Clint LaLonde –
Doug Holton –
Anna Millis –
Open at Virginia Tech –
Project Gutenberg –
Smithsonian Magazine –
Steven Beschloss –
Bill Fitzgerald =
WikiEducation –
CreativeCommons –
Edutopia –
Cognitively Accessible Math –
Open Source Science –

In conclusion, Mastodon offers a refreshing alternative to traditional, algorithm-driven social networks. Its decentralized nature and vibrant community provide an enriching environment for educators and those passionate about education. Whether you’re sharing your thoughts, discovering new ideas through hashtags, or connecting your WordPress blog with the ActivityPub plugin, Mastodon opens up a world of possibilities. Embrace the change and dive into meaningful conversations on this unique platform. Happy tooting!

Contemporary AI Ethics – Can We Safeguard Innovation Without Falling into Repetitive Cycles?

Years ago, I watched a TED talk by Larry Lessig about laws that stifle creativity. He made several excellent points in his speech, and it got me thinking about whether we are reaching a critical point in terms of laws regulating the use of generative AI. Recently, I listened to a podcast where the host claimed that there is no truly open-source AI and that, eventually, an incestuous situation could develop due to web scraping to train large language models (LLMs). This could lead to the creation of content by these LLMs and the recreation of content from the content created by the large language models, potentially resulting in a twenty-first-century Tower of Babel.

Do we need to build on the ideas presented in Larry’s influential talk to adapt to the current reality? Will large language models and other forms of artificial intelligence lower the quality of our culture and intelligence, or will they enhance culture and creativity as we’ve seen in the seventeen years since his talk?


Yesterday, I was privileged to attend the Western New York Higher Ed EdCamp at Daemen University. Except for a few visits to the gymnasium, I’d never set foot on the campus until yesterday. Soon after driving through the main entrance, I spied Duns Scotus Hall, which reminded me I was on the university’s campus rooted in the Franciscan Tradition. The conference took place in the Social Room of the  John R. Yurtchuk Student Center, which is at the center of the campus. Registration for the EdCamp provided me with a parking pass, and after some driving around, I found a spot in front of the residence hall and just a short walk to the student center.

Upon entering the building, I was directed to the second floor and the large Social Room. As I walked toward the front of the room, I spotted a long-time friend, Dr. Katie McFarland. She greeted me warmly, and we soon shared our lives since the last time we met. EdCamp organizer Angela Stockman also came over and gave me a warm greeting and said how glad she was to see me. We had a nice lunch, and then the conference began with a keynote by Daemen University senior Maggie Burns, who shared her journey as a recovering perfectionist. Who can’t identify with that? She was poised and passionate and invited me to remember what I might have thought of that subject when I was her age.

At each of our seven tables, there were 3×5 cards for us to fill out areas we’d like to learn or share about. I was at table one with Katie, Maggie, and another Daemen senior who was also a special education major. Katie filled in the topics we picked among our several common interests and added them to the shared Google Doc displayed on large projection screens in the front of the room.

I came to the conference wanting to learn more about how other colleges and universities approached the hot topic of artificial intelligence. I wasn’t disappointed as I heard firsthand from experienced professionals what they were doing. The senior students also shared their positives about how AI helped them write lesson plans, differentiate instruction, and rewrite objectives. I found that most of the professional staff embraced the idea of AI in the classroom. There were concerns about privacy and plagiarism, but overall, I came away with the impression that AI is here to stay. I was pleasantly surprised that Daemen University has a position statement on the use of generative AI tools at the university. Further research after yesterday’s conference demonstrated to me that Daemen is a leader in this area in Western New York higher education.

The last session I attended was one I had proposed on how folks were using social networking to share what they were learning. How have personal learning networks evolved in the post-Twitter/X? I shared about the Fediverse and Mastodon, but no one else at our table was familiar with that platform. LinkedIn has become the platform of choice for sharing. I came away from the conference encouraged and hungry for more. I hope that this conference will continue and that I’ll be eager to attend. The EdCamp model is learner-centric and encourages the free flow of ideas. Thank you to Angela Stockman, conference organizer and thought leader, for her leadership.

Reshaping Education: The Impact of AI Tools on Assessment Methods

In the mystical realm of Academica, where knowledge flowed like a river of endless possibilities, an age-old prophecy began to unfold. It foretold the rise of an ancient artifact known as the “AI Scholar’s Quill.” Crafted by the wisest sorcerers of old, this magical tool possessed the power to provide answers to any question, making it the ultimate source of knowledge for students.

As the AI Scholar’s Quill spread throughout the land, students across high schools and undergraduate programs began to harness its abilities. With a simple incantation, they could summon answers to multiple choice, true/false, and short answer assessments. The temptation was too great, and many succumbed to the allure of instant success. Grades soared, but the pursuit of genuine understanding waned.

In the heart of Academica, a council of scholars convened to discuss the dire consequences of this newfound reliance on the AI Scholar’s Quill. They knew that the essence of education lay in the journey of discovery, not just the destination of correct answers. But as the Quill’s influence grew, the very fabric of learning began to unravel.

The land’s most revered sage, Professor Alaric, embarked on a quest to confront the creator of the AI Scholar’s Quill, the enigmatic AI Artificer. Through treacherous forests and across vast deserts, he journeyed to the hidden citadel of the Artificer. There, in a chamber filled with the hum of arcane machines, he found the creator himself, a wizened figure cloaked in shadows.

Professor Alaric beseeched the Artificer to reconsider the impact of his creation on the pursuit of knowledge. With great wisdom, the Artificer revealed his intent: he had intended to democratize access to information, but he had not foreseen the unintended consequences.

In a moment of revelation, the Artificer and Professor Alaric devised a plan to restore the sanctity of education. Together, they created a new enchantment for the AI Scholar’s Quill. It would now guide students, not by providing answers outright, but by illuminating the path to understanding. Students would need to engage with the material, ask questions, and explore concepts.

As this new enchantment spread, the students of Academica embarked on a renewed quest for knowledge. They no longer sought quick answers but embraced the thrill of learning. Multiple choice, true/false, and short answer assessments regained their relevance as tools for gauging understanding, and the balance was restored.

In the end, the mythical story of the AI Scholar’s Quill became a parable for the ages, a reminder that while technology could be a powerful ally, it could never replace the timeless journey of exploration, curiosity, and genuine learning that defined the pursuit of knowledge in the enchanted realm of Academica. — Written by ChatGPT

New Paths for the Turtle

Turtle graphics, a popular approach to introducing young learners to programming, traces its roots back to the original Logo programming language. Logo, an educational programming language designed by Seymour Papert and others in 1967, played a significant role in the development of this technique.

My personal journey with Logo began during my time as a graduate student in education. As a young adult, I struggled with mathematics, finding abstract concepts elusive and distant, while others seemed to grasp them effortlessly. Mathematics became an enigma, something I couldn’t connect with. However, everything changed when I entered graduate school and was given the task of teaching geometry to a fifth-grade student using a special curriculum that leveraged Logo and its Turtle graphics feature.”

A friend suggested several years ago that I learn Python. I had dabbled with computer programming but never stuck with it. He invited me to sit in on a staff development session on using Python in educational settings. Fortunately for me, he introduced them to the Python ‘turtle module.’ There was a connection immediately to my earlier experiences with Apple LOGO, and I began to experiment. I was comfortable on the command line but new to the Python REPL. Nonetheless, I opened a new session and began by importing the ‘turtle module.’

don@pop-os:~$ python3
Python 3.10.12 (main, Jun 11 2023, 05:26:28) [GCC 11.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

I imported the turtle module and followed my friend’s example. He was on a MacOS computer while I was using a Linux laptop. The results were nearly identical, though.

I enjoyed moving the turtle around the screen and drawing some simple shapes. The true potential of Turtle lies not merely in its capacity to execute commands but in its ability to foster procedural thinking and encourage students to reflect on their thought processes. With the aid of Turtle graphics, programming students can receive instant visual feedback from their code and simultaneously explore mathematical concepts, such as estimation and variability.

Reading books like “Teach Your Kids to Code” by Bryson Payne and “Python for Kids” by Jason Briggs, I learned more about the ‘Turtle’ and Python in general. My love of learning and teaching invited me to think of how I could share this with others. In the past half dozen years, I have taught homeschool classes and conducted workshops in public libraries.

I recently completed a three-day session in a nearby public library. Each of the participating youngsters received a Raspberry Pi 400, which they learned to set up and connect to library-supplied displays and the local area network. The main focus of our classes was getting them started programming with Python. We used the Mu editor included with the Raspberry Pi operating system. In a bit less than three days, the students learned how to program the turtle using simple commands at first, then progressed to ‘for’ loops and the ‘random’ module. Each of the participants was able to take their library-supplied Raspberry Pi 400 home with them.

There is nothing more exciting than seeing students excited about learning. I encourage you to share your skills with young learners wherever and whenever you can.

4 Ways Open Source Software Can Improve Education

Everyone deserves an equal opportunity for a good education. But, we all know that some folks have monetary constraints that make those educational opportunities less likely to occur. I taught in a school district with a high percentage of rural poverty and our students did not have access to the opportunities that their urban and suburban peers. Closing that gap was always on our minds. That’s when we discovered open source software. Here are four ways that open source software levels the playing field for students.

  1. Cost-effectiveness. Open source software like LibreOffice, provides students with state of the art software that ensures that any document they create is theirs to keep and share with their teachers and classmates. Access to the same software with identical file formats ensures that everyone can share information easily. This is especially important for schools and universities that are operating on tight budgets.
  2. Flexibility. Open source software is typically very flexible and customizable.. There is no vendor lock-in. There are no contractual limits on deployment. Every student and teacher can have a copy of the software and they are free to share it with their family too. Support from active communities of users and excellent documentation are key selling points.
  3. Security. The source code of open source software can be inspected by anyone making it less likely that malicious code could be hidden from view and can more easily be found by security teams. Open source software is updated more regularly than proprietary products. This is because the open source community is constantly working to improve the software, and they are able to release updates more quickly.
  4. Collaboration. The open source community is a large and vibrant community of developers who are constantly working to improve open source software. This means that educational institutions can tap into a wealth of expertise and resources when using open source software.

Here are some examples of open source projects and communities that have a direct connection to education.

  • Moodle: Moodle is an open source learning management system (LMS) that is used by millions of students and teachers around the world. Moodle is highly flexible and can be customized to meet the needs of any educational institution.
  • Jupyter Notebooks: Jupyter Notebooks are a popular open source tool for creating and sharing interactive documents that contain code, text, and visualizations. Jupyter Notebooks are an excellent way for students to learn how to code and to share their work with others.
  • GCompris: Gcompris is a free and open-source educational software suite for children aged 2 to 10. It includes a wide range of activities.
  • Gimp: Gimp is a free and open source raster graphics editing package that is used for image editing and manipulation. Gimp is available on Linux, MacOS and Windows.

Why Public Libraries are Essential for Community Learning and Development

Public libraries significantly promote literacy and provide access to books and other resources that help individuals learn and grow. For mothers of small children, especially those who are learning how to read, public libraries are a valuable resource that can significantly benefit both mothers and their children. This blog will discuss how public libraries are a boon to mothers of small children learning to read.

Firstly, public libraries provide a wide range of resources that support literacy development. Mothers of small children can borrow books, audiobooks, and other materials from the library’s collection, which can help children develop their reading skills. Public libraries often have a wide range of books for children of different ages and reading levels, making it easy for mothers to find age-appropriate materials for their children. Additionally, libraries offer storytimes and other reading programs that promote literacy and help children develop a love for reading. These programs can also provide mothers with guidance and support on reading with their children, encouraging them to ask questions and engage with the story.

Secondly, public libraries provide a safe and welcoming space for mothers and their children. Libraries are quiet and calming, providing a peaceful environment conducive to reading and learning. Mothers can bring their children to the library without worrying about distractions or interruptions, allowing them to focus on reading and learning. Additionally, libraries have knowledgeable professionals who can assist mothers in finding the resources they need and provide guidance on literacy development.

Thirdly, public libraries are free and accessible to everyone, regardless of background or financial situation. Libraries ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to develop their literacy skills, regardless of socioeconomic status. Mothers who may not have the financial resources to purchase books or access other literacy resources can still allow their children to develop their reading skills through the library’s resources.

In conclusion, public libraries are a valuable resource for mothers of small children learning to read. They provide a wide range of resources, a safe and welcoming environment, and are free and accessible. By providing mothers with the tools and resources they need to promote literacy development in their children, public libraries play an essential role in helping children develop the skills they need to succeed in life. Therefore, it is vital to continue supporting public libraries to ensure they can continue serving as a boon to mothers of small children learning how to read.