Fixing LibreOffice after an upgrade to OSX El Capitan

I read an article this morning which stated that more developers use Macs than Linux and while I can’t disagree with that I am perplexed by my recent upgrade to El Capitan. My four year old MacBook Pro continues to perform well despite its age. I’m happy with that, but after upgrading to El Capitan from Yosemite yesterday, LibreOffice 5 no longer worked. I kept getting an error message about the need to install Java JRE. I’ve downloaded the Java packages from Oracle after reading some “how-tos” after doing some “googling.” I use my Linux laptop more for everyday so it’s not a huge inconvenience, but I’d really like to know how to solve this current problem.

There is a fix I’m happy to report and it involved downloading the appropriate JRE environment from Oracle for OSX 10.11.3. Then I deleted LibreOffice from my system and then downloaded and installed the most recent version of the software. After doing all that I had to open LibreOffice for the first time and then go to LibreOffice  -> Preferences  -> Advanced then select the version of the Java Environment which in my case was version 1.8.0_73. Highlight that selection, press “Add” and then “Okay” and you’re done.

Once again Linux to the rescue of a Windows 8.1 machine

A former colleague has a Windows 8.1 computer that had been overtaken by trojans, worms and spyware and was not working well at all. Last week his wife called and asked if I could fix it. I agreed to take a look at it. I downloaded an anti-virus rescue disk that ran on Linux. I couldn’t get the proprietary anti-virus to work but I was able to install Clam anti-virus and install the latest definitions. I discovered in the process that the system needed to be rebuilt using it’s recovery partition. However, none of the factory installed backup solutions worked. I decided I would use a Linux USB drive to boot the computer and save the user’s important files. However, upon re-booting with Linux none of the Windows partitions were mountable. Thank God for an internet search and I was able a way to mount the Windows drive and backup the files. Here is the solution that saved my friend’s files.  Thank you to the person who shared this and here’s hoping this helps someone else.

using the following command , get info about your drives


Then mount the drives using following command

sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda1

Here sda1 is used as example , replace sda1 with corresponding sda number ,command 1 gives the sda number of your drive

and remember windows drives are of ntfs partition

If you’re in EdTech You Need to Come to All Things Open Next Year

Today while I was at the All Things Open Conference I thought,  “we need more educational technology people here.” There is a wealth of information shared about open source projects and technologies and most of them should be on the radar of anyone that’s teaching today’s students. This morning I listened to an excellent presentation by Mark Russinovitch who is the CTO of Microsoft Azure. Mark spent about thirty minutes explaining the what and why of Microsoft’s involvement with Linux kernel development and it s presence in other open source software projects including Python.

In 2015 it is irresponsible not to expose students to Linux and open source and most of today’s internet of things and cloud applications run on open source platforms.  In fact in one of the sessions I attended at this year’s conference there was a seventh grade boy from a Raleigh, NC area school district. He was so engaged in the presentation that he asked the presenter a very good question at the end of her presentation.

Throughout the conference I heard great presentations from the National Center for Women in Information Technology, Girl DevelopIT, GitHub 101, and Openstack 101. My personal favorite among all those sessions which were most appropriate to educational technology was Charlie Reisinger’s lightning talk about his one-to-one Linux laptop program at Penn Manor High School in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Charlie said that today’s students who are often called digital natives risk their futures by failing to learn skills that are highlighted in the program at Penn Manor which emphasizes hands on work with assembling and supporting Linux laptops. Many well meaning school districts undercut their students learning by forcing them to use tablets and other closed systems which don’t allow students to learn by tinkering and coding.

Glad to be a part of

A year ago I came to All Things Open at the invitation of Jason Hibbets who was the community manager of At the time I was thrilled to be invited and so I came to the conference with some expectations but not really knowing what was in store for me. I met people like Jason, Rikki Endsley, Phil Shapiro and Jeff Mackanic. I remember how Jeff repeatedly thanked me for coming and how good that made me feel at the time. I decided a year ago that I wanted to come back here because I learned so much at the conference and met so many wonderful people who made me feel so good about being here.

In December of last year Phil Shapiro suggested that I tell Jason that I was interested in the Community Moderator program. I felt a bit reticent because I doubted my own credentials and qualifications but I did follow his suggestion. Jason was happy to welcome me on board and in January I officially joined the team. Since that time I’ve met other members of the group including Jen Wike Huger, Bryan Behrenhausen, Alex Sanchez and many more. In the past ten months I written over thirty articles about a variety of topics. Some articles came from my own experience with Linux and open source software. Others like interviews were new to me. In the process I got to meet a number very interesting people and to learn about aspects of open source that I would not otherwise have explored on my own. Today for example I had a chance at this year’s All Things Open Conference to meet Harper Reed who I interviewed a month ago. Also today I got to meet Frank Karlitschek who developed OwnCloud and another of my interviewees. My colleagues have helped me to grow professionally as a writer and as a person too. They’ve both challenged and encouraged me and I’m excited to be involved. I recently told Robin Muilwijk that he and the others in our group had been the wind beneath my wings.

In the past couple of days I’ve gained unique insights into being part of an open organization and today we all shared lunch and an open discussion of “The Open Organization” with it’s author, Jim Whitehurst who is the CEO of Red Hat. What a thrill to be sitting in the Red Hat Board Room with my colleagues other members of the Red Hat team. There’s still one more day of this years conference and I’m looking forward to it. I’m also looking forward to continuing this wonderful journey with

Solutions for Printing to an HP 1212mfp from Fedora 21

Setting up and getting started on Fedora 21 has had it’s challenges and earlier today I needed to setup printing to the multi-function laser printer in my home. I discovered that I needed to use Google and internet search to find a solution for printing. If you’re in the same predicment you might appreciate knowing that there are solutions to your printing woes. HPLIP (Hewlett-Packard Linux Imaging & Printing) is an HP-developed solution for printing, scanning, and faxing with HP inkjet and laser based printers in Linux. It’s a great resource and provided exactly what I needed. Better still it gave me specialized drivers that allow me to maximize the abilities of my multi-function device. This is a much better solution than what I had been used to with Ubuntu. I’m including a link to the solution for Fedora 21. Be sure to follow all of the steps and you’ll be up and running in no time. Thank you Fedora and Hewlett-Packard for great documentation.