Most High, glorious God

Most High, glorious God, enlighten the shadows of my heart, and grant unto me right faith, certain hope and perfect charity, sense and understanding, Lord, so that I may accomplish Thy holy and true mandate.

This is one of my favorite Franciscan prayers. Enlighten the shadows of my heart and grant me a faith, hope and perfect charity to accomplish your holy and true command. How is my heart enlightened? Do I spend my day or even parts of my day in prayer. What do I read? What do I think about? There are lots of distractions. Blogs and even bloggers can be distracting, so too can television, email, and the hectic pace of communication. Where can I draw the line? How much time is necessary to listen to the still small voice that enlightens the darkness of my heart?

I decided this Lent not to give up anything per se, but to add more quiet time. I’m committing myself to at least ten minutes of centering prayer a day. “Be still and know that I am God”-Psalm 46:10.


Spring in the air

Today as I left work and was walking across the parking lot to my car I heard the sweet sound of Canada geese. My eyes misted up a bit and I gave thanks for hearing the sound of fellow aviators winging their way north. I looked to see if I could spot a flock and there about fifty feet above the tree tops was a flight of fifty or more geese. I love the sound of their voices as they wing their way north from their winter home in the Chesapeake Bay and make their way towards Quebec and their mating grounds.

Most High, all-powerful good Lord,
Yours are the praises, the glory and the honor, and all blessing
To You alone, Most High, do they belong
And no human is worthy to mention Your name.

Praised be You, my Lord, with all Your creatures…including the Canadian Geese who are returning home and reminding us of the beauty of your creation.

Peace and all Good.

The Space Between

I came across this poem saved in a file on my computer. It was good then and now.

Away from the glow of city lights
on a cloudless, moonless, night
have you ever looked up at the shining stars
and seen the space between?
Have you ever seen the space between the stars?
the dark from which they all emerged
to which they will all return,
The vast dark space that holds them in relationship,
as tiny points of moving light.
Have you ever seen the space between the stars?
Have you ever heard the space between the words?
the silence from which they all emerged,
to which they will all return.
The silent space that holds them in relationship,
as tiny specks of frozen thought,
Have you ever heard the space between the words?
Have you ever felt the space between us all?
The void from which we all emerged,
to which we will all return.
The love filled space that holds us in relationship,
as tiny specks of human life.
Have you ever felt the space between us all?
Have you ever sensed the space within yourself?
The emptiness from which you emerged,
to which you will return.
The still deep space that holds you in relationship,
a tiny part of all that is.
Have you ever sensed the space within yourself?
Have you ever seen the space between the stars?
– Philip Sheppard

Sister Bloggers and Eric Doyle

I came across a great blog in my surfing today and I’ve added it to my links. It’s called SisterBloggers. I’ve really enjoyed reading the posts. Lots of great insights from some very holy ladies. The sisters describe themselves, “Catholic Sisters, Episcopal Sisters, women in formation, those discerning a religious vocation and others who want to join the conversation. We are women. Hear us blog.” Go for it!

There was a book sitting on the counter today at the Mountain. It’s a collection of the writings of Eric Doyle, OFM. I never heard of Eric until today, but he was described as a modern Duns Scotus. I’ve read a little bit of his work today and I found it very stimulating and insightful. If you’re a Catholic or Christian woman you might find Fr. Doyle’s writing insightful, hopeful and challenging.

Pax vobiscum.

Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel

There was a richness in the readings at Mass today that I find difficult not to comment on. From the first reading, Genesis 9:8-15. God says to Noah that never again shall he destroy the earth with a flood. His covenant is with Noah and his descendants. That’s us. We’re all descended from Noah it would seem if you’re a person of the book. In the second reading taken from St. Peter 3:18-22, “Christ suffered for sins once, the righteous for the sake of the unrighteous, that he might lead you to God.” Today’s Gospel taken from St. Mark,1:12-15″ “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

The Gospel is about the Incarnation, the word made flesh who came and dwelt among us. In fact Christ is still dwelling among us. Lent is a time of renewal, a time of redemptive renewal. Lent is a time to get rid of our selfish ideas and renew our covenant relationship with God and with our brothers and sisters. Lent is about living the truth of the Gospel. When I got the ashes on my head Wednesday morning the priest said, “turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.” As a Franciscan the Gospel is about living in covenant relationship with all creation.


Isaiah 58

Yesterday I attended Mass. The first reading was from Isaiah. I love Isaiah. The reading was from Isaiah 58:1-9. It really resonated with me and that reading is one of my favorites in the entire Bible. It really hits the nail on the head with regard to fasting. It’s Lent and many people are giving up food or something they enjoy. What is the point in all this? There is often a disconnect or at least there was for me over the fasting. A number of years ago I was involved with a young man who really took fasting seriously. This guy actually did a juice fast of over forty days. He was a spiritual seeker. He was really looking for God’s will. For me fasting is about getting closer to God’s will. A friend of mine says that he is giving up “bunjee jumping” for Lent. I love his wit and it resonates because so often there is a disconnect between fasting and what results.

The part of Isaiah that really grabs me is, “This, rather, is the fasting that I wish:
releasing those bound unjustly, untying the thongs of the yoke; Setting free the oppressed, breaking every yoke; Sharing your bread with the hungry, sheltering the oppressed and the homeless; Clothing the naked when you see them, and not turning your back on your own. Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your wound shall quickly be healed; Your vindication shall go before you, and the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.”

In the Secular Franciscan Rule, we are asked to “seek to encounter the living and active person of Christ in their brothers and sisters, in Sacred Scripture, in the Church, and in liturgical activity”. Following Isaiah is an encounter with the active person of Christ in Sacred Scripture. What drives me as Franciscan is attempting to follow this Christ that I encounter in Sacred Scripture. Peace.


Today I called my daughter who is a college freshman to congratulate her on a report of exceptional grades. She had just “aced” her midterm in history. While we were on the phone she told me that she had been thinking of me as she participated in a religion class she is taking. Curious about that statement I inquired a little more. It turns out that she is studying eastern religions and presently studying Buddhism. I told her that I did like what I had read of Zen Buddhism in particular. We both agreed that Buddhism is more a philosophy than a religion in the strictest sense, but that Buddhism emphasized an inter-connectedness of all creation. That sounds somewhat like St. Francis and in some ways there are parallels.

While at Mt. Saviour Monastery last week I skimmed through several of Thich Nhat Hanh’s books which were on sale in the Monastery gift shop. I first read Nhat Hanh’s work about ten years ago when I picked up his book, “Living Buddha, Living Christ.” Several years later while working with a Franciscan friend at Mt. Irenaeus I learned that one of the priests there had been on retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh. If you haven’t read any of Thich Nhat Hanh’s works, I encourage you to do so. You will discover a very holy man whose life long mission is about peace.

The eleventh,twelfth and thirteenth principles of Interbeing which were developed by Thich Nhat Hanh state:

“Do not live with a vocation that is harmful to humans and nature. Do not invest in companies that deprive others of their chance to live. Select a vocation that helps realise your ideal of compassion.”

“Do not kill. Do not let others kill. Find whatever means possible to protect life and prevent war.”

“Possess nothing that should belong to others. Respect the property of others, but prevent others from profiting from human suffering or the suffering of other species on Earth.”

There are fourteen principles that make up the “Principles of Interbeing” these three in particular remind me of the Prayer of St. Francis.

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Peace be with you.

Gandhi, Jesus and Bush

I was reading the news tonight and it appears that President Bush will be laying a wreath at the Gandhi memorial in India. It’s ironic that the apostle of pre-emptive war is laying a wreath at the memorial to a man who symbolized non-violence. I was one of the many people who wrote tirelessly to our President in the days leading up to March 2003 and our invasion of Iraq. In many of those letters I appealed to our President’s love of Jesus and reminding him of the Sermon on the Mount and his command to “love one another as I have loved you.”

In April or May of 2003 I received a letter from the Whitehouse stating as I remember that the President appreciated hearing from me but that he knew best, Saddam had weapons of mass destruction etc. You’ve heard the litany ad nauseam by now. Mr. Bush said a pre-emptive war was justified. Those of us who counseled against such action were labeled by many of our country men as weak willed and un-patriotic. Now as Iraq spins closer and closer to civil war and over 2200 Americans are dead, 16,000 more grievously wounded, and probably 200,000 Iraqis dead, the wisdom of non-violent solutions is looking a little more realistic.

The opponents of non-violence always state that you can’t use non-violence against tyrants like Hitler and Saddam and therefore force is required. I guess these folks haven’t read about the spread of Christianity in the last 2000 years. There are regrettable cases of zealous missionaries who subjected native peoples to horrible crimes, but on balance the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been spread by people who were divinely inspired to turn the other cheek. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. both proved that Gospel non-violence can topple empires. Gandhi brought down the British control of India. King faced down terrorists in our country who were hell bent on his destruction and the subjugation of America’s black population.

Most of the opponents of non-violence have never really tried it. It doesn’t take much intellect to determine that if you throw a rock at someone there is a good chance that the rock will come back at you. There is also an excellent chance that if you return good for bad that your enemy will be converted and that the strife will end. I hope that when the President visits India and lays a wreath at the Gandhi memorial that his heart will be changed.


Secret life of bees

Yesterday I read “The Secret Life of Bees” in its entirety. I recommend the book to anyone without reservation. It’s a great love story. My daughter had given me a Barnes & Noble gift card for Christmas. On my way home from Mt. Saviour on Friday afternoon I stopped at the Barnes & Noble in Elmira. Having just read Sue Monk Kidd’s, When the Heart Waits, I was eager to read more by the same author. I was a bit unsure because the Secret Life of Bees seemed to be a book that might appeal more to women. Since it was a New York Times bestseller, I thought “what the heck.” I wasn’t at all unhappy. I couldn’t put the book down. It was riveting.

Now I’m going to read one of Sue’s other books, “Dance of the Dissident Daughter”.

Agnus Dei qui tolis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.