Sought through prayer and meditation

The talk of Coronavirus and an ever active imagination finally got to me today and I decided to run away for awhile. After a quick trip to the dentist this morning I grabbed a coffee at The Coffee Shop and pointed my car northward. I followed a familiar route to a place I go for peace and quiet. I got to Abbey of the Genesee about an hour later and made my way to the chapel. Much to my chagrin there were workman who had covered the altar and the vicinity in plastic. My favorite place to sit and pray was not very peaceful this morning. Nonetheless, I stayed a bit and then walked to the adjoining bread store. I got my wife some wonderful bar soap made by a religious community of women, got a gluten free cookie and some dark chocolate biscotti. I did manage to find a quiet part of the abbey to sit and chill.

The sun shone bright outside and eventually I made my way to nearby Letchworth State Park on my return journey home. I stopped in the park to walk along the Genesee River and to witness the power of the water thundering over the Middle and Upper Fals. It was a balmy 63 degrees today. That’s quite uncommon for March 9 in Western New York. I took some pictures and shared them on Instagram, visited with a friend and then made my way home. I hear the voice of my creator in the silence of the trees, the river and in the quiet of this monastery. The Genesee River gorge is my cathedral. Its quiet beauty is ageless. I thought of the indigenous people who walked this land hundreds and thousands of years before the white man came.

The new reality of the nones

“I find a tremendous yearning among Nones and the millennial generation (born between 1982 and the early 2000s) for a more just and unified world. Many of the millennial generation are wholemakers involved in greening the earth, immigration reform, peace and nonviolence, economic justice, and environmental sustainability. They seek authentic community life, ways of meditation, and alternative gift economies; they believe that institutional religion is out of touch with the world. Like transhumanists, the Nones long for religious ideals without the institution.”

— Making All Things New: Catholicity, Cosmology, Consciousness by Ilia Delio

Breath of life

It’s that season in the United States when some folks roll out the “real Christian” card and it’s usually around a woman’s right to choose. I hope most folks choose life. I’m glad my Mom chose life. Even with its ups and downs it’s been a great life. That being said I do support a woman’s right to choose. There are many who assert that life begins at conception and while that may be their belief I believe that life begins at first breath. I used to work in labor and delivery forty some years ago while serving in the United States Navy and babies had to take their first breath. Some babies had difficulty and required extra help and we were there to assist them. Breath is the miracle of life. All living things breathe therefore breath is life.

Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. — Genesis 2:7


Walking is therapy. In the past six years I’ve found that the more I walk the more content I am. Winter makes it harder to walk but this winter has been more open than most. I’m averaging 3.4 miles per day. Some days are too cold and some days are too icy but today was one of those days of full sun and temperatures climbed into the mid thirties. I have a membership at the YMCA in nearby Olean but I prefer to walk outside. Sunshine is part of the tonic that aids my good health too. Today was full sun and bright blue skies.

I’m a person who is inclined to depression and walking is therefore therapeutic. Today I prayed as I walked too. The repetition of a short prayer as I walk is a form of mindfulness and keeps negative thoughts at bay. Walking spurs my creativity too. Sunshine and walking are the ingredients of peace in my life.

“He thrives before the sun, And his shoots spread out over his garden.

– Job 8:16


A painting at Abbey of the Genesee

I stopped by Abbey of the Genesee earlier today and this was one of the paintings displayed in the foyer. It’s probably not completely accurate as Jesus and those he hung out with looked less like Europeans than the images here. Nonetheless,I was struck by the simple relationship they were enjoying sharing a meal together. It’s really too bad that religion can’t be more about simple relationships and less about authoritarian rule keeping. One invites while the other repels. I’ve often thought how powerful it would have been to hang out with the historical Jesus. He must have been a remarkably charismatic individual. It’s too bad that his message of peaceful relationships has been overshadowed by systems that seek more to control than to embrace and accept.

A psalm of David. When he was in the Desert of Judah

I come here often. It’s one of my favorite places to sit in silence. There is peace in this place and I long for it as the psalmist did. I love the bread store too and I’ll be stopping there before driving back home. There is a peace here that surpasses all understanding.

You, God, are my God,
earnestly I seek you;
I thirst for you,
my whole being longs for you,
in a dry and parched land
where there is no water. – Psalm 63

Make America Contemplative Again

A friend shared that thought tonight on Twitter. It resonated for me. Right now I’m listening to Gregorian Chant and though I understand few if any of the words I am filled with peace. It is the end of the day and I am reminded of a time I spent at Mount Saviour Monastery in nearby Pine City, New York. They end their day beautifully with one of the monks playing a harp and reciting the compline prayer.

Come down we beseech you O Lord upon this house and drive from it all the snares of the enemy. Let your holy angels dwell in it and keep us in peace. And May your blessing be with us always. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Peacemakers among us

Publicly resisting evil and making peace in the world are at the heart of every authentic spirituality. Unfortunately, few of us make the critical connection between the spiritual life on the one hand, and war, poverty and nuclear weapons on the other. Most of us disconnect our private spiritual experience from “the real world” of business, electoral politics, bombing raids, and “national security.” Perhaps we do not want to cause trouble, divide our congregations, or risk the charge of being unpatriotic. Yet, without realizing it, our passivity and silence in the face of global violence renounces the prophetic witness of the nonviolent Jesus. Rather than align ourselves with God’s reign of justice and peace, we opt for the status quo of war and global injustice.” – John Dear

Yesterday on my way home from Binghamton, New York I stopped at Mount Saviour Monastery near Corning, New York. I hadn’t been to the monastery in a couple of years. I discovered that in that time there had been quite a few changes in the brothers who live there. Some of the community that were there for my last visit have gone to their eternal reward. Despite that they have grown to a community of twelve. Yesterday, I was greeted by Brother Justin when I entered the gift shop. We had a nice visit and while I was there I purchased “Peacework”  by Henri Nouwen who is one of my favorite authors. The quote at the top of this post is taken from the Foreword of the book. Besides the book I purchased some honey which is a product of the apiary at Mount Saviour. I also got a couple packages of Dark Chocolate Biscotti which is made at the Abbey of the Genesee. One package for me and another for a friend. Stopping at quiet places like Mount Saviour are restorative.

Coming home

It’s been a great two days of retreat at Mt. Irenaeus. I needed to get some time alone with nature. I live a good life and have a lot of contentment, but there is something special about coming here to a place that is so peaceful. There are less distractions here. A walk in the woods and only the sound of a gentle breeze, leaves underfoot and an occasional cracking tree branch. I’ve spent two days and soon two nights here. Time in the chapel and walking upon well worn paths are very settling. I tried something new today using Facebook Live to share a contemplative walk on the land.  I was able to share the quiet with some friends and I hope it will cause them to spend some time mindfully walking on their own. It has been a several years since I’ve spent this much time here. There are many good memories and it’s always a homecoming. I’m grateful to have been able to take some time apart and be able to bring the fruit of this to my daily life. Peace.