In memoriam

I learned early this morning from a colleague that George Carlin had died. I was surprised and saddened and throughout the day I thought of George and the impact he had on me, on our culture and how we look at language. He was a gifted comic and one who like other great comics will not easily be replaced. His famous, “Seven words you can’t ever say on television,” is perhaps his signature. I didn’t realize until reading earlier today that the U.S. Supreme Court got into the fray on that one.  How typically American that is. We censor Carlin’s use of profanity, but our airwaves are filled with replays of bombing runs, combat footage and endless recitations about all our wars. George’s genius was bringing those hypocrisies to light.


Thank you Comedy Central

I hadn’t heard that. Too funny. I wonder if the  President has heard of $5 a gallon gasoline.


David Rees

First thing I did after running nearly 9 kilometers this morning was come home to a refreshing shower and then off to check my Google Mail. I’m a fan of David Rees on Huffington Post and Dave must be an Obama fan because he had this nice clip Richie Havens singing “Here Comes the Sun.” I got a sense that Dave was feeling good that we had a ghost of a chance of getting a POTUS with an ounce of sense.  I’ve enjoyed Dave’s Get Your War On series of cartoons which began soon after September 11, 2001 and they’ve targeted the a lot of the Bush foreign policy. David Rees has kept me sane on more than one occasion. I’ve thought at times, “here’s a kindred soul.” I’d like to meet him or least hear him on C-Span. He does have a Wikipedia entry which is quite interesting. I hope you enjoy Richie.


Career Advice

I got the following link from There are some good tips for improving the likelihood of your success at work. One of my pet peeves is people with loud cell phones.  How difficult is it to turn your cell phone to vibrate? I know a several administrators who have the the “William Tell Overture” playing every time they get a call. In the middle of a meeting this could be a non-starter.

Five minute university

As we were having dinner tonight with my daughter who is a junior in college my wife began to tell her about Guido Sarducci and the five minute university. Fr. Guido Sarducci was a regular on Saturday Night Live back in the 1970’s.  Thanks to Youtube you too can enjoy this funny man and his parody.


Colbert for President

I called Stephen Colbert with a dare: if he thought it was so easy to be a Times Op-Ed pundit, he should try it. He came right over. I had staged a coup d’moi.

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It’s been reported that Stephen Colbert is running for President though only in his native South Carolina. I congratulate Mr. Colbert and wish him well, his candidacy is nearly as serious as any of the other and there can be no doubt that what he says is about as likely to happen as any of the other candidates.

it’s clear that the voters are desperate for a white, male, middle-aged, Jesus-trumpeting alternative.–Stephen Colbert