Holy Thursday is one of my favorite days and nights in the church year. It always has been. It’s kind of celebration at the end of Lent. In the last eight years it’s become tradition for me to be at Mt. Irenaeus for supper with friends and then the Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper in the chapel. Because of my schedule this week I didn’t think I was going to make it but it all worked out. I had to drive 150 miles round trip to meet with representatives of Dell Computer and then climb into my own car to drive the thirty or so miles to the Mountain. Continue reading “Presence”
Jesus Wine of Peace
Today was very cold. I think it was about 7 degrees fahrenheit this morning as I ventured up to Mt. Irenaeus for Mass. The roads up to the mountain were snow covered but passable. My journey was very peaceful. There is something very contemplative in winter. A stillness that occurs when the earth and most everything on it is frozen. The chapel was full this morning. Mostly St. Bonaventure University students. They were Students for the Mountain, which is a ministry group organized by the Franciscan Friars who live at Mt. Irenaeus and minister on campus at St. Bonaventure. There were some familiar faces among the students there. Chris a senior at Bona and Monica a sophomore are old friends. There were new faces there too. Names I don’t recall. Fr. Dan Riley’s homily invited lots of comments. The mood today was both animated and prayerful. The communion hymn today was “Jesus Wine of Peace,” by David Haas. I love it’s lyrics and the melody. Jesus is truly the wine of peace and today these lyrics moved me deeply.
Jesus wine of Peace, wine of love, may we drink of you, may we taste your presence, your promise, our future. Drink well and live.
Who are our partners?
Today is the Feast of the Epiphany and also my brother’s 54th birthday. I called him on my drive over to Mt. Irenaeus for this morning Mass to wish him a Happy Birthday. I had sent him a couple of cards but I decided this morning that I would risk waking him on my way to Mass. Light fog and rain seem to ad to the mystical quality of holy places. Continue reading “Who are our partners?”
Tonight our Secular Franciscan Fraternity hosted a dinner for the friars at Mt. Irenaeus. The core community at Mt. Irenaeus are five Friars of Holy Name of Jesus Province who live and work at Mt. Irenaeus. Without their presence in our lives I doubt few of us would have become seculars. But, with their animation and encouragement we have grown from a dream to a reality and tonight was a chance to honor them with a dinner at the House of Peace at Mt. Irenaeus. Continue reading “Gratitude”
Are you the one?
Much of our area was blanketed with snow overnight. Add to that a mix of freezing drizzle and you have the recipe for some slippery driving. I wasn’t sure I could make it up the hill to Mt. Irenaeus this morning. In fact I got stuck in the slippery snow just yards from the top. I called the Friars and Brother Joe came with the four-wheel drive truck and plow to pull me out. We couldn’t find a hook on my PT Cruiser to which the tow-rope could be attached. He tried to use his plow to make the road less slippery and I backed my car all the way down the hill to make a second go at it. I made it all the way up on the second try thanks in no small measure to Brother Joe cleaning up the road. I made it to Mass about twenty minutes late. I arrived in time for the homily. Today’s homily was about the gospel. Continue reading “Are you the one?”
Quiet time
I am writing from the House of Peace, the main house at Mt. Irenaeus. I have come here for a time away from, a retreat, on the Feast of St. Nicholas. It has been several years since I’ve been on a retreat like this. It’s just a day of quiet in a still spot with some of the most peaceful and holy men I know. Continue reading “Quiet time”