Lasting Peace

If you truly want to discover a lasting sense of peace and contentment, you need to learn to rest your mind. Only by resting the mind can its innate qualities be revealed. The simplest way to clear water obscured by mud and other sediments is to allow the water to grow still. In the same way, if you allow the mind to come to rest, ignorance, attachment, aversion, and all other mental afflictions will gradually settle, and the compassion, clarity, and infinite expanse of your mind’s real nature will be revealed.

–Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, The Joy of Living (Harmony, 2007), 125


One of my friends, PlainFoolish has written a thoughtful piece on the current state we find ourselves in here in the United States. It is hot here today and yet there is a peaceful gentle wind blowing, but half a world away in the deserts, streets and villages of Iraq there is enormous slaughter. Continue reading “Always”

The power of intention

Today was a lazy day. Up at 9:30 am and then lounging all day until it was time to head over to Mt. Irenaeus for an Evening of Re-Creation. I’ve grown accustomed to these summer evenings. I wasn’t sure I’d go tonight as family was coming in and with it being the Fourth of July I thought that not many folks would be at the Mountain. Continue reading “The power of intention”

St. Irenaeus

Thursday, June 28 was the feast of St. Irenaeus. Irenaeus has come to have a lot of meaning for me. I am a member of the Mt. Irenaeus community and regularly attend Mass there. I’m also a member of the St. Irenaeus Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order. This week I also came to realize that my wife’s birthday is the same day as the feast of St. Irenaeus. That’s an interesting coincidence.

Prayer of St. Irenaeus

It is not thou that shapest God
it is God that shapest thee.
If thou art the work of God
await the hand of the artist
who does all things in due season.
Offer Him thy heart,
soft and tractable,
and keep the form
in which the artist has fashioned thee.
Let thy clay be moist,
lest thou grow hard
and lose the imprint of his fingers.

– St. Irenaeus

You shall not oppress your neighbor..

Oppressing the poor in order to enrich oneself, and giving to the rich, will lead only to loss.– Proverbs 22:16-16

I live in a very small town where there is a high percentage of poor folks, yet fuel prices are higher here than in surrounding villages where there are somewhat higher incomes. It seems to me that there is a concerted effort to fleece the poor. I sometimes wonder why I never see an investigative journalist taking note of this disparity.


It’s a beautiful moonlit night. A few twinkling stars. Venus has risen in the western sky and its 72F at 10 pm. It doesn’t get much better in Western New York than that. I’m enjoying it. Continue reading “Tonight”