Open or closed?

A friend of mine commented on a post I had about Ubuntu and Dell and in that he said that Linux is like the wiki concept. Maybe the wiki concept is more like Linux and open source. Regardless of how one looks at either, open source is an new model of production which favors the wiki model of code and content creation. It seems that the latter has the potential for more power and at the same time has created a great deal of destabilization in the traditional market place. It seems however that this new model is here to stay at least for the short term. Whatever replaces it will grow out of it and not the old industrial age model of a closed system. Continue reading “Open or closed?”

Memorial Day

The following came in an email from Jim Hein, SFO (Secular Franciscan Order)

The son-in-law of Anne Kramar, SFO, St. Clare Fraternity in Omaha has recently returned home from Iraq. His name is Jim; he is married to Anne’s daughter, Mary Jane. Jim and Mary Jane have three children, the oldest (boy) is graduating from High School this year. Jim was serving his third tour of duty in Iraq. Upon completion of his second tour he was called up for a third tour – it was the time period that the Federal Government put into effect the “stop loss” policy. Continue reading “Memorial Day”


Satyagraha is a relentless search for truth and a determination to search truth.–Mahatma Gandhi

As I sit here this morning on the edge of the hundred acre wood that borders our property I am surrounded by peace and yet I know that in much of the world there is violence and killing some of it sponsored by my own government. It pains me deeply to know that my countrymen are being hurt, killed and in some cases doing the killing of others. We are all brothers and sisters in this world. Continue reading “Satyagraha”

I needed that…

I get a regular email from Today’s was very timely for me.

You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you.

–Sarah Ban Breathnach–Simple Abundance

Praise for Dell

Dell has Ubuntu loaded desktops and one laptop for sale on their site. I looked the models over last night and they are nicely equipped. They have Intel Core Duo processors and the prices are fabulous. I recommend that you surf on over and buy one. I think I’m going to get the Inspiron E1505 myself. They come preloaded with Ubuntu 7.04. Thank you Michael Dell and Mark Shuttleworth. Go Dell!!