How to Switch from RAID to AHCI in BIOS for Better SSD Performance

I’m always shopping for laptops to outfit with Linux and one of my favorite stops is On the weekend while surfing that site I came upon a good deal on a Dell Latitude 5410 laptop. The (new to me machine) came with an i7 processor. Using the ‘inxi’ command it easy to see that this laptop was a good bargain at forty-five percent off a list price of $399.

The battery is in great shape for a three-year-old laptop that weighs a little bit over three pounds. I’ve been using Dell Computers with Linux loaded on them for over twenty years. However, lately, these Latitude 5410s have come with Intel Rapid Storage Technology for use with the Windows 10 Professional operating system that came pre-installed on the laptop. Linux Mint would not install when starting from a live USB drive.

The solution that I quickly found when upgrading one of these laptops a couple of weeks ago is as follows:

When starting up the Latitude press the F2 function key to enter the BIOS and look for the SATA controls and change from RST to AHCI. Save the settings in your BIOS restart the computer and complete the installation of Linux Mint.

For more information on this particular issue, you should consult the excellent documentation from Ubuntu.

Sharing Tech for Good: How I Gifted My Neighbor a Refurbished Linux Mint Laptop

I volunteer with Meals on Wheels once a week, and one of the clients on my route is a man my age. We frequently spend time visiting when I bring his meal to him. Last week, when I stopped, he asked me if I could help him put his laptop computer back in working order. I told him I’d do him one better—installing Linux Mint on his ailing computer and extending its life.

After checking with him about the model of his laptop, I discovered that it was a lightly powered notebook with minimal disk storage. I had a five-year-old System76 Darter Pro just sitting around gathering dust. I decided to install Linux Mint Cinnamon 22, which is my daily driver. Though the Darter Pro is five and a half years old, it’s still got lots of life in it. It has an Intel i7 CPU with 16 gigabytes of RAM and a 250 gigabyte NVME drive, which would be a fantastic host for my client.

When I shared my decision with him, he was delighted, and though he trusted my judgment, he knew nothing about Linux Mint and wondered if he could master the learning curve. I told him that Mint Cinnamon has many similarities with the Windows 10 desktop he used to. I searched YouTube and other sites for an excellent introduction to Linux Mint and could not find the kind of documentation I wanted to give to my friend. I decided to write my documentation, complete with screenshots of the critical first steps to get started with a Linux Mint laptop.

This is the first screen you see after you start up the laptop. His name is Tom, and I shared his password in the documentation. I knelt next to him as I helped him through these first steps.

Linux Mint Login screen

The next thing he sees is the Welcome to Linux Mint splash screen. I provide a brief explanation and then encourage him to return here later to refer to the documentation and help information.

I direct his attention to the screen’s lower right-hand corner and guide him through the connection to his wireless access point and network connection.

I explained to him that the fourth item from the left is the ‘network connection’ icon, and he needs to click on it to display the wireless networks that are available to connect with. We quickly found his local connection.

He was unsure of his wireless password, but after some reflection and connecting with others who connect to his internet service provider, I remembered that they use the client’s mobile phone number for a password. That worked well, and we were connected. I walked him through installing the necessary updates on his new Linux laptop. I quickly demonstrated the security of Linux systems as each update required his password. Linux Mint comes with Firefox by default but I also showed him how to add the Google Chrome browser and some other applications using the software manager.

Eventually, I showed him how to use most of the essential tools of this new Linux Mint computer, including ‘Nemo’, the Linux Mint file manager.

After almost forty-five minutes of initial setup and instruction, he was ready to dive in and experience Linux Mint firsthand. This morning, I received an email from Tom, and it warmed my heart. He said, “I was on my new computer till 11:00 last night. I’m like a kid with a new toy. I want to thank you for the info you sent on linux.I perused the emails and quickly learned I would never be a Linux expert…Again, a thousand thanks for the laptop. I was in a bind, and you really got my feet from the fire. Sincerely, tom.”

His email made my day, so I love to share the Linux and open-source journey with others. We can extend the hardware’s life and demonstrate the effectiveness of the open-source approach.

We were raisins

On August 25, 1972, we picked up our new seabags, which were full of the uniforms we had received after the first two days of recruit training and walked in company file from Camp Barry to Camp Moffit, the main area of Recruit Training Command at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center.

Most of us arrived two days earlier, on August 23, 1972. I’ll never forget setting on a little square in this wooden building, where I arrived via a bus from O’Hare Airport. I had that hollow feeling mixed with dread at what the future held for me. I saw this as a death sentence even though I had volunteered for the United States Naval Reserve just two months earlier. Late in the day, near dusk, we had our first Navy chow, and it was terrible. I think it was shit on a shingle or some other unpalatable meal selection. Then we were marched back to the processing center, and eventually, we got put to bed in an open bay barracks.

On the morning of the twenty-fourth of August, we got up early, probably 0700 or earlier. We stripped down to birthday suits and received our new Navy-issue underwear, blue denim trousers, and, later, long-sleeved blue shirts. We received our vaccinations, had medical and dental exams, and shipped our civilian clothes home in boxes provided by the Navy. I often think of the people who refuse vaccinations now. On that August in 1972, no one said, “Would you like a vaccination?” They said, “Next!” The guy ahead of me in the vaccine line got his arm lacerated by the vaccine gun because he flinched. By the end of the day on the twenty-fourth, we had dinner and then returned to our temporary barracks, but by this time, we were in uniform and meeting the other young men who made up Company 72-351. MMC William W. Boyd commanded our company. We were fortunate to have Chief Boyd. He took no crap, but he was very fair, and we came to love him over the next seven weeks of our journey from civilians to members of the United States Navy.

On Friday, August 25, we rose early and had breakfast. After packing our seabags, we marched as a company from the processing area of Camp Barry to Camp Moffet, home of the Recruit Training Command Great Lakes, Illinois. We had received our white hats, but we couldn’t wear them until they and all our gear were appropriately stenciled. We marched to our new barracks wearing our wool watch caps. We were called ‘raisins.’ There’s a pecking order in recruit training, and we were on the low end. It would be seven more weeks and after rigorous training in marching learning the uniform code of military justice (UCMJ). Nuclear biological and chemical warfare training, firefighting, and learning every aspect of life in the United States Navy would prepare us to serve the fleet’s needs.

We came to our new home in the new barracks, which seemed like Holiday Inn after our first two days of processing. We were assigned our bunks. My bunkmate was from Texas. His name was Chris Meador. One of our neighboring bunkmates was Jerry Horton, who was also from Texas. There was Tom Carlin from Philadelphia, who had graduated from Villanova University only a few months earlier. Our company comprised all United States Naval Reserve members, and we were at Great Lakes on ACDUTRA, which is “active duty for training.” Some of us were 2×6 reservists, which meant after our recruit training and ‘A’ schools, we would serve two years of active duty wherever the Navy assigned us, and then we would serve the balance of our six-year commitment as part of the active reserve attending monthly drills and then two weeks ACDUTRA in the summer. A few were 4×10 reservists who went to recruit training, ‘A’ school, and then returned to their home unit where they would serve the balance of their enlistment in the active reserve.

I remember that journey and the young men who became my shipmates every year. I remember Chief Boyd and his role in preparing us for naval service. The last time I saw us all together was the morning of October 13, 1972, when we were ready to march in review for our graduation from recruit training. I had been chosen to lead the battalion onto the drill field carrying the United States flag. I was the tallest and had an excellent military bearing, which was the criterion for the assignment. When I returned to the barracks after graduation to pick up my seabag and make my way across the street to the United States Navy Hospital Corps School at Great Lakes it was empty. There was a sense of loss amid the exhilaration of completing seven weeks of training.

A couple of the guys from our recruit company joined me at Hospital Corps school. I never saw the rest again. We planned to get together one day at a bar in Manhattan called McSorley’s Old Ale House. That never happened, but talk like that united us and gave us hope for a future after recruit training. Tom Carlin and I stayed in touch by occasional mail after Great Lakes, and many years later, we reconnected via phone call thanks to LinkedIn. Many of us are grandfathers and great-uncles now. I made it back to Great Lakes and Recruit Training Command sixteen years ago as I watched my nephew graduate in mid-August of 2008. That day, I bought a Navy baseball cap at the gift shop and napped under a tree near the drill field where we marched. I remembered the young men of Company 351, and sometimes, even now, I can hear their voices and remember our time together.

Five things you can do with the nano editor

In the early stages of my experience with Linux servers, I had to learn how to edit text files using the command line. While there are other powerful text editors in Linux, such as vi and vim, I found Nano to be particularly useful. Nano is a simple yet powerful text editor that comes pre-installed on many Linux distributions. You can easily install it from the command line if it’s not pre-installed on your system.

Debian-based systems:

$ sudo apt install nano

RPM based systems:

$ sudo dnf install nano

Basic Text Editing

Nano is a user-friendly text editor designed for simple and efficient text editing. To open a file, type “nano” followed by the file name in the terminal. Once inside, you can begin typing or editing text immediately. Navigation is easy, using the arrow keys to move around. To save your changes, press Ctrl + O; to exit, press Ctrl + X.

Screen picture by Don Watkins CC by SA 4.0

Search and Replace

Nano has a valuable search and replace feature. To search for a specific term, press Ctrl + W, type your search term, and press Enter. To replace text, press Ctrl + \, enter the text you want to replace, followed by the new text. This feature is handy for quickly updating configuration files or scripts.

Undo and Redo

Mistakes happen, but Nano makes it easy to correct them with its undo and redo functionality. Press Alt + U to undo the last action and Alt + E to redo it. This feature ensures that you can quickly revert changes without losing your progress

Syntax Highlighting

Nano offers syntax highlighting for those working with code, making reading and editing code easier. Syntax highlighting is available for various programming languages and can be enabled by adding the appropriate syntax files to your Nano configuration.

Screen picture by Don Watkins CC by SA 4.0

Custom Key Bindings

Nano enables you to customize key bindings to match your workflow. You can edit the /etc/nanorc file to modify default key bindings or add new ones. This flexibility allows you to personalize the editor based on your specific requirements, enhancing your editing experience and making it more efficient.

Nano’s simplicity and powerful features make it a great choice for text editing in Linux. Whether editing configuration files, writing scripts, or taking notes, Nano has the tools to do the job efficiently.

Getting a hand from Handbrake

I have dozens of VHS tapes recorded, in some cases nearly 30 years ago, of our children when they were young. About ten years ago, I used a Linux computer and dvgrab to capture the video using a Firewire port on the computer and an aging digital video camera. The setup worked quite well. Using this process I could convert many of the analog tape videos to MP4s.

I was eager to share some video clips with our grandson recently. I wanted him to see what his Mom looked and acted like when she was his age. The videos, converted to digital format and reside in a folder on my Linux computer, were ready to be transferred to my iPhone for sharing.

My usual file transfer method, QRCP, has been reliable for moving files between my Linux desktop and iOS devices. However, I was left disheartened this time when the video transferred seamlessly, but the audio track was mysteriously absent. This disappointment led me to consider using Handbrake as a potential solution. I have used Handbrake in the past to convert video files to a format compatible with iOS and other modern digital playback devices

I installed Handbrake as a flatpack on my Linux desktop, but you can install it as easily as a system package.

Debian-based systems:

$ sudo apt install handbrake

RPM-based systems:

$ sudo dnf install handbrake

Once installed, I launched the program

Screenshot by Don Watkins CC by SA 4.0

At the ‘File’ menu, I selected ‘Open Source’, which opens a dialog box where I can select the video file that I want to convert. I select the one-hundred-twenty-eight megabyte MP4 and then click ‘Open’ at the bottom of the program window.

Screenshot by Don Watkins CC by SA 4.0

Looking again at the Handbrake program display I have some choices to make to ensure that the converted video is in the format that will display properly on an iPhone or other iOS device.

Screenshot by Don Watkins CC by SA 4.0

Referring to the screenshot above, it is important to choose the particular format in which you want to save the video. There are three choices: MPEG-4, Matroska, and WebM. I chose MPEG-4, and within that, I also chose ‘Web Optimized’, which will ensure that the converted video will be a smaller file and more easily shared on the web or from a mobile device. At the bottom of the program window, you can choose what you will name the completed file. The default is the original name, but I would suggest a different name so that you don’t overwrite the original, which would be important for archival purposes. The default ‘Save’ location is your ‘Video’ folder but you can easily choose some other folder on your system.

Once you are sure you have made all the proper menu selections, you will use your mouse pointer to click the ‘Start’ button at the top of the program window.

Screenshot by Don Watkins CC by SA 4.0

This begins with converting and transcoding the larger MP4 file to a smaller compatible file for iOS devices. The process takes a brief period of time and will depend in part on your processor’s speed. The new video is 42 megabytes, a reduction from its original size, and can be replayed and reshared on a mobile device. Handbrake has excellent documentation. It is open source and is available for Linux, Mac, and Windows, licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.

System76’s Cosmic Desktop: A New Era in Linux UX

Last week, System76 unveiled COSMIC, a groundbreaking desktop for Linux computers. This isn’t an iteration of Gnome, Cinnamon, XFCE, or KDE. It’s a paradigm shift for the Linux desktop, crafted in Rust.

According to the System76 website:

“We aim to liberate the computer with a new desktop environment powerful enough to build custom OS experiences — for users, developers, and makers of any device with a screen.”

COSMIC stands for ‘Computer operating system main interface.’ I was eager to try this new desktop and downloaded the Alpha release ISO for my five-year-old Darter Pro laptop, which I purchased from System76 in early 2019. I created a bootable USB drive and was ready to install the new desktop. I began the installation process and answered a few questions similar to those in earlier releases of Pop!_OS, which I am familiar with. After I completed the installation, I was quick to ‘kick the tires.’

Screen picture by Don Watkins CC by SA 4.0

I looked at the top of the display for the ‘Accessibility’ icon, which is on other Linux distributions, but it was missing. I later learned from reading that this feature of COSMIC has not been released. I briefly installed Gnome-Tweaks, which is how I usually tweak Linux computers so that a person with aging eyes can manage them. After installing that software, I discovered that the COSMIC desktop has a unique settings menu that is easily accessed by clicking the third icon from the left at the bottom of the screen.

Screen picture by Don Watkins CC by SA 4.0

Clicking on COSMIC settings provides a very granular approach to most of the settings I needed to make the computer interface more accessible. Here, I found that by adjusting the ‘Panel,’ I could change the size of the icons at the top of my display to make them larger and more accessible. The first choice is ‘Wallpaper’, which is self-explanatory. The second is ‘Appearance’, which I can choose from based on a light and dark theme. I can also adjust the accent colors for the application windows. The third selection is ‘Panel,’, where I could change the size of the icons and where they were displayed, whether left, right, or center.

Screen picture by Don Watkins CC by SA 4.0

Besides adjusting how the desktop appeared, I could also change the display resolution and the scale, which I set to 125%. The COSMIC settings app is compelling. Once I became more aware of all the options, I became quite happy with the experience.

Applications launch quickly. As a writer, I frequently illustrate my articles with pictures like the ones above. Taking screen pictures in COSMIC is accessible by pressing the Print-Screen key on the keyboard. There are several options for screen pictures. One is a self-selected window; the others are the entire screen or the present window.

The COSMIC App Store is great, too. There are dozens of applications to choose from, including my favorite applications, such as VS Codium, Chromium web browser, VLC, and many more. Flatpak is preferred, but distribution-packaged apps are also shown.

Screen picture by Don Watkins CC by SA 4.0

The text in the terminal is okay, but I’d like to increase the size to 12 points, making it more accessible. I look forward to more changes as COSMIC continues its development cycle.

You can easily download COSMIC and try it out for yourself, or you can add the COSMIC desktop to many of your favorite Linux distributions by following the directions for your distribution listed next. . Try Cosmic on Fedora, Arch, NixOS, and others. Cosmic is based on Pop!_OS 24.04. See the code.

Contributing to open source

I started using Linux and open-source software in the late 1990s, and the more familiar I became with it, the more uses I saw for it, whether on the server side of our school system data infrastructure or software applications for students and teachers.

My contributions to our school system were significant. I developed a content filter using Suse Linux, Squid, and Squidguard and later enhanced it with Dansguardian. We lacked the funds for expensive servers, so I introduced Linux servers and Samba to create user home directories for our teachers. This provided a backup system for our teachers and saved the school system money.

Recognizing the disparity in software accessibility, I sought alternatives. Instead of relying on the special deals school systems get from proprietary software vendors, I introduced Open Office and later LibreOffice. We provided these software on CD-ROMs and later USB drives, empowering students and parents to install them on their home computers.

As we continued to benefit from this free software, I couldn’t shake the feeling that we were taking more than we were giving. Our appreciation, though genuine, was not flowing upstream to the programmers who shared their work with us. This led me to ponder: how could we, as a school system, repay these open-source communities for the fruits of their labor?  

Within a year of my retirement in 2013, I received an invitation to attend All Things Open in Raleigh, NC. There, I was invited to join the team at as a ‘community moderator,’ a person who wrote articles about open-source software and open-source communities. At last, I was contributing to the communities and folks whose work I had been benefitting from for the previous fifteen years.

Coding is not my long suit, but writing is something that comes more naturally, and in the next eight years, I wrote almost three hundred articles about the various aspects of open-source software and open-source communities. I became part of a growing community of writers from all over the world. It became one of the most fulfilling avocations of my life. was shuttered in May of 2023, but the writers’ community lives on and You can quickly become part of these vibrant writing communities.

In addition, there are other ways to contribute to the open source community. You can contribute to open source projects and communities using Patreon, PayPal, and other forms of payment for communities such as Fedora, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, GnuCash, and LibreOffice.

Mastering the ‘rm’ command

The “rm” command in Linux is a powerful tool for deleting files and directories. While it may seem simple, mastering this command requires understanding its various options and potential pitfalls. Early on in my Linux journey, I managed an Apache web server and needed to remove files occasionally. That is when I became familiar with the ‘rm’ command. It’s very effective, but its misuse can be devastating without understanding the basics and having proper respect for the command.

Understanding the Basics

The rm command stands for “remove.” Its primary function is to delete files and directories from the filesystem. The basic syntax is:

rm [options] file...

For example, to remove a file named example.txt, you would use:

rm example.txt

Removing Multiple Files

You can remove multiple files at once by listing them separated by spaces:

rm file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

Using Wildcards

Wildcards allow you to remove multiple files that match a specific pattern. For instance, to remove all .txt files in a directory, you can use:

rm *.txt

 Removing Directories

It would help if you used the -r (recursive) option to remove directories. This tells rm to remove the directory and its contents:

rm -r directory_name

Be cautious with this option, as it will delete everything within the specified directory.

Force Deletion

The -f (force) option allows you to remove files without prompting for confirmation. This is useful for scripts or when you want to bypass confirmation prompts:

rm -f file_name

Combining Options

You can combine options to perform more complex deletions. For example, to forcefully remove a directory and its contents without confirmation, use:

rm -rf directory_name

Safety Tips

Practical Examples

Removing Log Files:

$ rm -rf /var/log/*.log

Removing Temporary Files:

rm -rf ~/tmp/*

Deleting Old Backups:

rm -rf /backups/backup-*.tar.gz

 I had serious file system trouble using ‘rm—rf’ inside my root partition. There is no undoing such a move, and you can quickly render your operating system and its files useless or worse. Always double-check your commands, use interactive mode when needed, and create backups of important data. With these tips, you’ll be well on mastering the rm command. Check the man pages on your Linux system for more information.

I’m with you AOC!

The Women

The WomenThe Women by Kristin Hannah
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is a powerful historical novel about the courageous nurses and other women who served in Vietnam. This book was recommended by my daughter and another person I volunteer with. There were many things I could identify with. I was a US Navy Hospital Corpsman who served with US Navy Nurses, and though I never went to Vietnam, I served with many Corpsmen and some nurses who did. Reading the book reminded me of the acrimony we faced while serving our country in a very unpopular war. I have been to the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC, and found the names of three young men I went to high school with who were killed in action. The wall is very meaningful, and it has brought healing to veterans and a generation that needed therapy. The book revealed many nuances of the conflict and my feelings about the war and our fellow veterans. Thank you to Kristin Hannah for a job well done.

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