1. Blessed are the wealth hoarders, for their yachts shall inherit the seas.
2. Blessed are they who exploit loopholes, for theirs is the kingdom of tax havens.
3. Blessed are the disruptors, for they shall break things and call it innovation.
4. Blessed are the monopolists, for they shall corner the markets and call it free enterprise.
5. Blessed are the philanthropists, for they shall name buildings after themselves.
6. Blessed are the visionaries, for they shall promise colonies on Mars while their workers toil on Earth.
7. Blessed are those who lay off thousands, for they shall be called stewards of shareholder value.
8. Blessed are the space tourists, for they shall ascend to the heavens in rockets built by underpaid engineers.
9. Blessed are the influencers of democracy, for their PACs shall comfort them with favorable legislation.
10. Blessed are the climate-conscious jet owners, for they shall plant trees to offset their carbon footprints.
11. Blessed are the disruptors of housing markets, for they shall rent out the Earth.
12. Blessed are the CEOs who raise their own salaries, for they shall reap their rewards a hundredfold.
13. Blessed are those who automate jobs, for they shall inherit both profits and hashtags.
14. Blessed are they who lobby for deregulation, for they shall be called the architects of freedom.
15. Blessed are the builders of megamansions, for they shall be filled with empty rooms and echoing halls.
Satirical Beatitudes for Billionaires, written in collaboration with ChatGPT, December 2024.