This week through my affiliation with Ubuntu Linux I met a new business and I’m happy to recommend them to readers of this blog. I’ve added them to my links. I hope you give them the business. They are Fair Trade Certified. Be sure to visit Willoughby’s Coffee online. You can visit my business website at DGW Enterprises.
Open Office v. Microsoft Office
This week a fellow member of the faculty where I work suggested that our use of Open Office with students was actually prohibiting those students from getting employment when they left our school. Continue reading “Open Office v. Microsoft Office”
In the past couple of days I’ve experienced some frustration and I found release from it in the writing of another blogger. The guy referred to lemmings. Continue reading “Lemmings”
Ubuntu and Dell
This is hardly news, but Canonical and Dell have inked a deal that will allow users here in the United States to purchase Linux based desktops and laptops. I’ve been using Linux on the desktop and laptop for nearly four years. Continue reading “Ubuntu and Dell”
Then you win
First they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. – Mahatma Gandhi
That is what is happening in the Microsoft Continue reading “Then you win”
Viral freedom
Today when I checked my email I had received a warning from Symantec that the new Trojan.Peacomm had been identified and that Symantec, Continue reading “Viral freedom”
Built from scratch solar car
This is a really great idea hatched by some enterprising high school students and an adult in New Hampshire. It makes you wonder why we can’t solve dependence on middle east oil. You don’t think our politicians have sold us out do you? [youtube=]
Today we took a trip to Erie, Pennsylvania. It’s about a ninety-minute ride from our home. Continue reading “Publishing”
Feisty Fawn
That’s the name of the next version of Ubuntu Linux. I decided to live dangerously and download and install it. I burned the image from the ISO this afternoon and I liked what I saw from the LiveCD boot. Continue reading “Feisty Fawn”
Humanity to others
I’ve been using an Ubuntu desktop for nearly a year now and I really appreciate the ease of use. I use open source software on Windows too, but when I’m home and using the Internet or writing I spend the bulk of my time on a Linux desktop. That’s been the case now for almost four years. Continue reading “Humanity to others”